In 2019 we started a new tradition of hosting an Oktoberfest on the green-space adjacent from our church. Community members and students alike come together to bake pretzels, grill brats, and pour root beer into our signature ULu crested steins. Our aim is to welcome the Purdue passerby to grab or sit down for some delicious food and join in on the fun of our festival!
For Lutherans, October is an important month. October 31st 1517, is often considered the birth of the Lutheran Reformation. On this day German theologian Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the Wittenberg Castle Church door in an effort to reform the current Christian theology and practice of the Roman Church back to a Biblical confession of Christ's Word and Promises.
We hope you will join us! Prost!
Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum (The Word of the Lord Endures Forever) is the motto of the Lutheran Reformation, a confident expression of the enduring power and authority of God’s Word. It first appeared in the court of Frederick the Wise in 1522. He had it sewn onto the right sleeve of the court’s official clothing, which was worn by prince and servant alike. The VDMA logo and statement has appeared throughout Lutheran churches worldwide and remains an enduring motto of the Reformation to this day.